Tuesday, October 19, 2010

You can apply the following commands: 180° - it rotates the image by 180 degrees. 90° CW - it rotates the image by 90 degrees clockwise. 90° CCW - it rotates the image by 90 degrees anticlockwise. Arbitrary - this command rotates the image by an arbitrary angle. For this purpose: Step 1. select the command from the menu; Step 2. enter the value of the rotation angle in degrees; Step 3. specify the direction of the rotation - clockwise or anticlockwise; Step 4. press the button OK. To flip an image in Adobe Photoshop you can use the following commands from the menu Image - Rotate Canvas: Flip Horizontal - it mirrors the image as to the standing axis, i.e. interchanges the left and the right parts of the image; Flip Vertical - it mirrors the image as to the horizontal axis, i.e. it turns the image upside down.

You can apply the following commands:
  • 180° - it rotates the image by 180 degrees.
  • 90° CW - it rotates the image by 90 degrees clockwise.
  • 90° CCW - it rotates the image by 90 degrees anticlockwise.
  • Arbitrary - this command rotates the image by an arbitrary angle. For this purpose:
    • Step 1. select the command from the menu;
    • Step 2. enter the value of the rotation angle in degrees;
    • Step 3. specify the direction of the rotation - clockwise or anticlockwise;
    • Rotate canvas: arbitrary rotation
      Step 4. press the button OK.
To flip an image in Adobe Photoshop you can use the following commands from the menu Image - Rotate Canvas:
  • Flip Horizontal - it mirrors the image as to the standing axis, i.e. interchanges the left and the right parts of the image;
  • Flip Vertical - it mirrors the image as to the horizontal axis, i.e. it turns the image upside down.

Moving an object in Adobe Photoshop

  • To move an object we can either move the layer with the inserted object, or select a layer fragment and move this immediate fragment.
    Select the Move Move Tool tool from the Toolbar to move the layer or its fragment.
    First of all, activate the layer with the inserted object and follow the instructions:
    • Step 1. If you want to move a fragment of the layer not the layer itself, you can select the necessary area using any selection tool.
    • Step 2. Select the Move tool from the Toolbar.
    • Step 3. Bring the cursor inside the selected fragment to move it or on any point of the layer to move the layer itself.
    • Step 4. Drag the object. For this purpose press the left mouse button and keeping it pressed drag the mouse cursor.
  • Transformation of objects in Adobe Photoshop photo editor
    After an object is inserted in a new layer, we can use Layer transformation commands to transform the object. To transform the layer or the selected fragment we can use one of the commands from the menu Edit - Transform. For example, the following commands: Scale, Rotate, Skew, Distort, Perspective, Rotate 180°, Rotate 90° CW, Rotate 90° CCW, Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical.
    You can also use the command Free Transform from the Edit menu, which will help you to perform all transformations at one time. If you select the command Edit – Free Transform, the layer or the selected fragment will be enclosed in a frame with eight markers, and in the Options palette a number of parameters for adjustment will appear.
    Options palette in Adobe Photoshop
    Scale – to adjust the scale of the image within the area you should move one of the eight markers. To change the scale proportionally you should drag the marker in the corner keeping the Shift key pressed. You can enter values for the W and H parameters in percentage from the original size directly in the Options palette. For the size to be changed proportionally, you should activate the relation sign between the W and H parameters.
    Flip – to flip an image you should move one of the markers behind the opposite marker. For example, if you drag the left marker all the way to the right side of the right marker, the image will flip horizontally. However, if all you want is to flip the image, you'd better use the commands Flip Horizontal and Flip Vertical from the menu Edit – Transform.
    Rotate – to rotate an image you should bring the cursor to the marker in the corner so that the cursor transforms in a two-side rounded arrow, press the left mouse and keeping it pressed, drag the cursor. You can set the rotation angle in the Options palette using the Rotate parameter.
    Skew – to skew an image you should drag the marker on the side, the upper and the lower marker keeping the Ctrl key pressed (Command in Macintosh). You can adjust the Skew transformation option in the Options palette setting the H and V parameters.
    Distort – it is possible to distort an image by dragging a corner marker keeping the Ctrl key pressed (Cmd in Macintosh).
    Perspective – to create a perspective you should drag a corner marker keeping the Ctrl and Shift keys pressed (Cmd and Shift in Macintosh).
    If you want to drag two points at a time, you should drag a corner marker keeping the CtrlAlt and Shift keys pressed (CmdOption andShift in Macintosh).
    To confirm the transformation press Enter (Return in Macintosh) or double-click with the left mouse button inside the object. You can as well press the button Apply in the Options palette.
    To cancel the transformation press Esc or the button Cancel in the Options palette.

The easiest way to make a free hand selection in Adobe Photoshop Elements is to use the Selection Brush.

  • Selection Brush
  • To make a selection with the Selection Brush Tool you should:
      Step 1. Select the Selection Brush tool from the Toolbar Selection Brush.
      Step 2. Adjust the shape and the size of the brush in the Options palette.
      Step 3. Select the Selection or Mask mode from the fall-out Mode menu.
      • the Selection mode is used to select the fragments that must fall into the selection contour.
      • the Mask mode is used to select the fragments of the image that must be excluded from the selection contour.
      Step 4. Set the value of the Hardness parameter.
      Step 5. If the Mask mode is activated, you can set the values for the Overlay Color and Overlay Opacity parameters in case when the default values do not work.
      Step 6. If the Selection mode is activated, you should paint over the parts of the image that should fall into the selection contour. If there already is a selection, the new selection will be added to the previous one. To subtract the new selection from the old one, you should keep the Alt-key pressed when making a new selection.
      Step 7. If the Mask mode is activated, you should paint over the parts of the image that should be excluded (these parts will be covered with semitransparent red). If there already is a selection, the painted fragments will be subtracted from the selection. To add the new selection to the old one, you should keep the Alt-key pressed when making the new selection.
You can also select a fragment of the image in Adobe Photoshop Elements with the following selection tools: Rectangular marquee, Elliptical marquee, Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, Magnetic Lasso, Magic Wand.
The Rectangular marquee and Elliptical marquee tools are hidden in the Toolbox under one and the same icon. The icon on the Toolbox displays the last selected tool. To open the floating menu right-click on the arrow in the lower right corner of the displayed icon.
The Rectangular marquee and Elliptical marquee tools
  • Rectangular marquee
  • This tool is used to select rectangular and square areas.
    To select a rectangular area you should:
      Step 1. Activate the Rectangular marquee tool by clicking on the icon The Rectangular marquee tool, or (if the Rectangular marquee was not the last tool applied) select it from the floating window.
      Step 2. Bring the mouse cursor to the point of the image where the corner of an imaginary rectangular should be, and press the left mouse button.
      Step 3. Keeping the left button pressed, move the cursor diagonally to the opposite corner and release the button.
    To select a square area of the image make a selection keeping the SHIFT key pressed. Take into account that if you already have a selected area the new selection will be added to the previous one. To avoid it you should press the SHIFT key only when you start selecting an area.
  • Elliptical marquee
  • This tool is used to select ellipses and circles.
    To select an elliptical area you should:
      Step 1. Select the Elliptical marquee tool from the Toolbox by clicking on the icon The Elliptical marquee tool , or (if the Elliptical marquee was not the last tool applied) select it from the floating window.
      Step 2. Bring the mouse cursor to the point of the image where the corner of an imaginary rectangular with an inscribed ellipse should be, and press the left button.
      Step 3. Keeping the left button pressed, move the cursor diagonally to the opposite corner and release the button.
    To select a circular area of the image make a selection keeping the SHIFT key pressed. Take into account that if you already have a selected area the new selection will be added to the previous one. To avoid it you should press the SHIFT key only when you start selecting an area.
    If you keep the Alt (Option in Macintosh) key pressed when selecting an elliptical or a rectangular area, the selection is generated from the center to borders, not from one corner to another.
The Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, Magnetic Lasso tools are hidden in the Toolbox under one and the same icon. The icon on the Toolbox displays the last selected tool. To open the floating menu right-click on the arrow in the lower right corner of the displayed icon.
The Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, Magnetic Lasso tools
  • Lasso
  • This tool is used to create freehand selections.
    To make a freehand selection you should:
      Step 1. Select the Lasso tool from the Toolbox by left-clicking on the icon the Lasso tool, or (if Lasso was not the last tool applied) select it from the floating window.
      Step 2. Bring the mouse cursor to the object that must be selected and outline it keeping the left button pressed.
  • Polygonal Lasso
  • This tool is used to make freehand selections, but its contour is made up of straight segments.
    To make a selection you should:
      Step 1. Select the Polygonal Lasso tool from the Toolbox by clicking on the icon The Polygonal Lasso tool, or (if Polygonal Lasso was not the last tool applied) select it from the floating window.
      Step 2. Bring the cursor to any point near the object to be outlined and press the left mouse button - it'll be the first point of the contour.
      Step 3. Move the cursor to the next point of the contour not far from the first one and left-click it again. The program will automatically draw a straight line between the two points.
      Step 4. Keep putting points in this way until the whole object is outlined and close the contour.
  • Magnetic Lasso
  • This tool is used to make a freehand selection.
    When you use Magnetic Lasso you do not need to follow the contour of the object precisely. If the object stands out against the background the border of the selected area will be traced automatically as you move the cursor along the object.
    To select an area using Magnetic lasso you should:
      Step 1. Select the Magnetic Lasso tool from the Toolbox by clicking on the icon The Magnetic Lasso tool, or (if Magnetic Lasso was not the last tool applied) select it from the floating window.
      Step 2. Bring the mouse cursor to the border of the object that should be selected.
      Step 3. Press the left button and start dragging the cursor along the required object. Pay attention to fastening points that appear as you outline the object and when you make a click. If a fastening point is irrelevant you can remove it by pressing the DELETE key and return to the previous fastening point to continue outlining the object.
      Step 4. Close the contour, that is join the first fastening point with the last one by bringing the cursor to the first point or by making a double-click.
  • Magic Wand
  • This tool is used to select a consistently colored area. You can set Tolerance in the Options palette of the magic wand tool. The higher the value, the more colors will fall into the selected area. The Tolerance value ranges from 0 to 255. At Tolerance equal to 0 the selected area will be represented only by one color, at Tolerance equal to 255 - all colors of the image will be selected, that is the whole image.
    To select a consistently colored area, you should:
    Step 1. Select the magic wand tool in the Toolbox by clicking the icon The Magic Wand tool.
    Step 2. Bring the cursor to the pixel of the image that must be included into the selection and left-click it. As a result an outline appears around the pixel. It includes colors of the image similar to the color of the selected pixel according to the specified Tolerance value.

These selection tools are efficient due to the flexibility of their usage: you can add to, subtract from or intersect a selection.
To add an area to the previous selection you should press the SHIFT key before you use a selection tool and, keeping it pressed, make a new selection.
To subtract an area from the previous selection you should press the Alt (Option in Macintosh) key before you use a selection tool and, keeping it pressed, make a new selection.
If you press SHIFT and Alt (Shift and Option in Macintosh) keys simultaneously you obtain an intersection of the old and new selections.

Moving a layer in Adobe Photoshop Elements

  • To move the layer or its fragment you can use the Move tool Move Tool in Photoshop Elements from the Toolbar.
    Follow the instructions:
    • Step 1. If you want to move a fragment of the layer, not the layer itself, you can use any selection tool to select a fragment of the image.
    • Step 2. Select the Move tool from the Toolbar.
    • Step 3. Bring the cursor inside the selection to move the fragment or to any point of the layer to move the layer itself.
    • Step 4. To drag the layer or its fragment - press the left mouse button and, keeping it pressed, move the mouse cursor.
  • Transforming a layer in Adobe Photoshop Elements
    Under transformation we imply the following actions:
    • scaling;
    • rotation and flipping;
    • skew;
    • deformation;
    • perspective correction.
    All these transformations can be applied to the whole layer or to any selected fragment of the layer. To select a fragment of the layer you can use any selection tool.
    To scale the layer or its fragment you can use the Scale tool from the menu Image - Resize.
    Having selected this command, you will see a frame with eight markers around the layer or its fragment. To scale the layer (its fragment) you should drag one of the rectangular markers.
    To scale it proportionally you should drag the corner marker keeping the Shift key pressed.
    Besides, you can set values for width (W) and height (H) directly in the Options palette, in per cent from the original size. For the dimensions to change proportionally, activate the linking icon between the parameters W and H.
    To rotate or flip the layer or its fragment you can use the following commands from the submenu Image - Rotate:
    • Layer/Selection 90° Left - to rotate it 90 degrees clockwise.
    • Layer/Selection 90° Right - to rotate it 90 degrees anticlockwise.
    • Layer/Selection 180° - to rotate it on 180 degrees.
    • Flip Layer/Selection Horizontal - to mirror it horizontally as to the standing axis.
    • Flip Layer/Selection Vertical - to mirror it vertically as to the horizontal axis.
    • Free Rotate Layer/Selection - to rotate it as you wish. Having selected this command, you will see a frame with eight markers around the layer or the selected fragment. To rotate the layer (fragment) you should bring the cursor to any marker, so that it transforms into a rounded two-sides arrow, and press the left mouse button, and keeping it pressed, drag the cursor.
    In order to skew, distort, or correct perspective, use the following commands of the submenu Image - Transform:
    • Skew - to skew the image. Having selected this command from the submenu, you will see a frame with eight markers around the layer (its fragment). To skew the layer (fragment) you should drag the side, upper or lower marker keeping the Ctrl key pressed.
    • Distort - to distort the image. Having selected this command from the submenu, you will see a frame with eight markers around the layer (its fragment). To distort the image you should drag one of the corner markers keeping the Ctrl key pressed.
    • Perspective - to correct the perspective. Having selected this command from the submenu, you will see a frame with eight markers around the layer (its fragment). To create a perspective you should drag one of the corner markers keeping the keys Ctrl and SHIFT pressed. If you need to move two points simultaneously, drag the corner marker keeping the keys CtrlAlt and Shift pressed.
    You can also use the command Free Transform from the submenu Image - Transform to make all transformations in one step

Adobe Photoshop also offers a number of selection tools

  • Quick Mask mode
  • To switch from Standard mode to Quick Mask mode, press the button Quick Mask mode in the lower part of the Toolbox or use a hot key Q.
    Paint over the areas to be selected with a hard edge Brush (in Quick Mask mode the selected area is highlighted in semi-transparent red)
    Then switch back to Standard mode by pressing the button Standart mode in the lower part of the Toolbox and invert the selection using the commandSelect -> Inverse. It is critical to invert the selection as in Quick Mask mode it is the unpainted area that falls into the selection.
    Note that if you set Selected Areas in the Quick Mask Options (opened by double clicking on the Quick Mask button), you do not need to invert the selection. Also, you can change the highlight color and its opacity here.
      Hints on the Quick Mask Options::
      Open the Options by double clicking on the Quick Mask button.
    • if the "Masked Areas" option is active the areas non marked with red will be selected 
    • if the "Selected Areas" option is active the areas marked with red will be selected 

The Rectangular marquee and Elliptical marquee tools are hidden in the Toolbox under one and the same icon. The icon on the Toolbox displays the last tool used. To open the floating menu right-click on the arrow in the lower right corner of the displayed icon.
The Rectangular marquee and Elliptical marquee tools
  • Rectangular marquee
  • This tool selects rectangular and square areas.
    To select a rectangular area you should:
      Step 1. Activate the Rectangular marquee tool by clicking on the icon The Rectangular marquee tool, or (if the Rectangular marquee was not the last tool applied) select it from the floating window.
      Step 2. Bring the mouse cursor to the point of the image where the corner of an imaginary rectangle should be, and press the left mouse button.
      Step 3. Keeping the left button pressed, move the cursor diagonally to the opposite corner and release the button.
    To select a square area of the image make a selection keeping the Shift key pressed. Take into account that if you already have a selected area the new selection will be added to the previous one. To avoid it you should press the Shift key only when you start selecting a new area.
  • Elliptical marquee
  • This tool selects ellipses and circles.
    To select an elliptical area you should:
      Step 1. Select the Elliptical marquee tool from the Toolbox by clicking on the icon The Elliptical marquee tool , or (if the Elliptical marquee was not the last tool applied) select it from the floating window.
      Step 2. Bring the mouse cursor to the point of the image where the corner of an imaginary rectangle with an inscribed ellipse should be, and press the left button.
      Step 3. Keeping the left button pressed, move the cursor diagonally to the opposite corner and release the button.
    To select a circular area of the image make a selection keeping the Shift key pressed. Take into account that if you already have a selected area the new selection will be added to the previous one. To avoid it you should press the Shift key only when you start selecting a new area.
    If you keep the Alt (Option in Macintosh) key pressed when selecting an elliptical or a rectangular area, the selection is generated from the center to borders, not from one corner to another.

The Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, Magnetic Lasso tools are hidden in the Toolbox under one and the same icon. The icon on the Toolbox displays the last tool selected. To open the floating menu right-click on the arrow in the lower right corner of the displayed icon.
The Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, Magnetic Lasso tools
  • Lasso
  • The tool allows creating freehand selections.
    To make a freehand selection you should:
      Step 1. Select the Lasso tool from the Toolbox by left-clicking on the icon Lasso tool, or (if Lasso was not the last tool applied) select it from the floating window.
      Step 2. Bring the mouse cursor to the object that must be selected and outline it keeping the left button pressed.
  • Polygonal Lasso
  • The tool makes freehand selections, but its contour is made up of straight segments.
    To make a selection you should:
      Step 1. Select the Polygonal Lasso tool from the Toolbox by clicking on the icon The Polygonal Lasso tool, or (if Polygonal Lasso was not the last tool applied) select it from the floating window.
      Step 2. Bring the cursor to any point near the object to be outlined and press the left mouse button - it'll be the first point of the contour.
      Step 3. Move the cursor to the next point of the contour not far from the first one and left-click it again. The program will automatically draw a straight line between the two points.
      Step 4. Keep putting points in this way until the whole object is outlined and close the contour.
  • Magnetic Lasso
  • This tool makes a freehand selection.
    When you use Magnetic Lasso you do not need to follow the contour of the object precisely. If the object stands out against the background the border of the selected area will be traced automatically as you move the cursor along the object.
    To select an area using Magnetic lasso you should:
      Step 1. Select the Magnetic Lasso tool from the Toolbox by clicking on the icon The Magnetic Lasso tool, or (if Magnetic Lasso was not the last tool applied) select it from the floating window.
      Step 2. Bring the mouse cursor to the border of the object that should be selected.
      Step 3. Press the left button and start dragging the cursor along the object. Pay attention to fastening points that appear as you outline the object and when you male a click. If a fastening point is irrelevant you can remove it by pressing the Delete key and return to the previous fastening point to continue outlining the object.
      Step 4. Close the contour, that is join the first fastening point with the last one by bringing the cursor to the first point or by making a double-click.
  • Magic Wand
  • This tool selects a consistently colored area. You can set Tolerance in the Options palette of the Magic Wand tool. The higher is the value, the more colors will fall into the selected area. The Tolerance value ranges from 0 to 255. At Tolerance equal to 0 the selected area will be represented only by one color, at Tolerance equal to 255 - all colors of the image will be selected, that is the whole image.
    To select a consistently colored area, you should:
    Step 1. Select the Magic Wand tool in the Toolbox by clicking the icon The Magic Wand tool.
    Step 2. Bring the cursor to the pixel of the image that must be included into the selection and left-click it. As a result an outline appears around the pixel. It includes colors of the image similar to the color of the selected pixel according to the specified Tolerance value.